The Theory: "Jaws" is a Western, not a thriller.
Argument Given: "This bad-ass, gun-slinging-like shark comes into town, scaring all the locals. And the sheriff and his deputies have to get him out so the townsfolk can resume their normal lives! It's not really scary as it is a modern-day Western...well, as modern as the '70s can get, I guess."
My Take: "Hahahahaha."
Note: Picture found randomly on the internet, after a Google Search of "Cowboy Shark". Thinking I would end up having a boring movie poster of "Jaws" next to the generic John Wayne picture, I was almost squealing with delight at finding this picture worth considerably more than 1,000 words to add to this post. Thank you Keystone Light, or whatever the liquor was these fine folks had in them.
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