I never wanted to write an angry letter to a corporation...until today. So, just so I can wake up tomorrow and make sure I actually did it, here's the evidence:
To whom it may concern: I recently heard a radio commercial for your upcoming show "United States of Tara". At first, I thought the idea was in bad taste, but I knew it would capture an audience and make money for you. I'm sure you've already gotten e-mails from those with DID and/or their family members. I don't have any first-hand knowledge of DID to form an opinion based on that. However, when I heard the line "Why can't she be manic depressive like other moms?" come out of what I can only assume to be the main character's stereotypical teenage daughter, I nearly slammed on the brakes on the highway. I understand it's something an uninformed, immature teenager would say. I also believe in the freedom of creative expression. But, I am also a daughter of a manic depressive, and I believe that the hurtfulness of that ignorant statement should be known. It's not easy growing up with a parent with any mental disorder. Making light of it may seem like a good idea, and maybe you were under the impression that if Steven Spielberg put his name on it, it's OK. I've been living for 25 years with a mother who, when I was younger would get so manic, she didn't even know who I was because of the disorder, and as someone who will never have the freedom to fully live my own life because of the obligation to always put my mother first, and as someone who had to grow up mighty fast so I could effectively take care of myself because I didn't have a full-time mother, ever. And, according to her family, I will always be a failure because I just can't give up my life and take care of her the way she needs to be taken care of. Needless to say, I didn't find the line funny, ironic, cute or even written with anyone else in mind except those who stand to profit from this show. As much as I would like to find the humor in the show's premise, I can't after hearing that line. At this time, I will let you know I do not have Showtime. If I do ever think about getting it, that one line will unfortunately stick in my mind as the No. 1 reason not to. Thank you for your time and consideration to this matter. I don't expect a response; in fact I would be somewhat surprised to receive a response written by an actual person, as I know how big your corporation is and how busy you must be. If anything is to come from this e-mail, I hope it's a little more sensitivity to the topic your dealing with (and, as a guilty pleasure for myself, a slap delivered to the teenage daughter with the audacity to say such a stupid comment). Thank you again.
I have not heard of this show but good for you. Have you heard anything back?
Haven't heard anything back yet. But we all know Steven Spielberg sold his soul a long time ago.
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