Friday, September 12, 2008


I don't pretend to follow trends.

When I see a new trend, I find flaws with it (maybe because I don't have the money or the right body to pull it off). But my husband and I are HUGE fans of "Project Runway". It's the only show we actually set aside time to watch. Soon, the season finale leaks will be hitting the Internet. While researching what's going on at Fashion Week, I ended up spotting this, ahem, movement (above left).

It could just be me, but aren't designs shown during fashion week supposed to be looked at as avant-garde, but easily tamed for the commercial audience? I don't see how they'll make this work...

And, it reminded me of the aardvark jackets (above right), lovingly given at Christmas time in the Myer household in "Better Off Dead". "Everyone's going to have one!"

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