Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bargain Shopping

So, normally I don't shop online. In fact, I hate it. But lately, I've had sort of an itch for it...and I've been bored at work and trust shopping on a Mac more (even if it is a work computer).

Anyway, I found a GREAT jewelry site. Well, actually, most of the time they put up citrine or smoky quartz, but when they put up amythyst or aquamarine, I'm all over it. I read the comments from people, saying whenever they wore the jewelry, they were complimented. And, god damn, it's true!

I just got my first piece (If my husband is reading, I only ordered two things! I swear!) after waiting a week and a half. But, here's the thing: the jewelry is FREE. The shipping is $6.99. If you order a necklace, the chain is an extra $4.99, but that's nothing. Plus, I know I can get cheaper chains and different ones at the craft store if I want.

I would post a picture, but I couldn't get my camera to focus on it well enough.

The available jewelry is changed on the site every few minutes. It's fantastic. I love keeping it open in the background at work and checking it every so often.

So, without further ado...THE LINK!

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